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Privacy Policy - about cookies, GDPR etc.


Our Responsibility

Stockholmsbuss is obligated to protect your integrity in the best way possible and this policy states the type of information we collect and what we do with it. 

Stockholmsbuss neither sells, lease or lend out our addresslists or registered information to any firm or organization outside our company.

Newsletter and information

If you receive any type of email from us, you are always welcome to reply that you do not wish to receive further emails from us.

Formularies on the website

If you choose to fill in a formulary on the website you are also giving us your consent to register and save your email address, for us to be able to respond to you.


Stockholmsbuss uses cookies in a responsible way to be able to register how our visitors use our website.

Cookies are tiny text files that a webserver send to your web browser. The file is saved on the hard drive in your computer, either just during the time you are visiting the website (so called sessioncookie) or for a longer period of time. 
Cookies are used (among other things) to save settings you have done on the website and also to see what pages you visited before, in order to be able to lead you to the news and your area of interest the next time you go online. Cookies are also used to be able to give the website correct statistics regarding the number of visitors it has.  


How this website uses cookies

This website uses “persistent cookies” that remains on the hard drive until it is erased – either by the user or by the server that created the cookie. These cookies are used to keep a track on reappearing visitors and their habits, or to personalize websites, the user can erase this though.

The website also use so called “sessioncookies”. A sessioncookie is only stored temporarily on your computer during the time you are visiting the website. Sessioncookies disappear when you close your browser.
The cookie can’t identify you personally, but only the browser that is installed on your computer and is being used during your site-visit.
The cookie doesn’t hold any virus and cannot destroy any information on your computer.

“Third-party cookies”

The website uses different services and “plugins” from third parties to work as good as possible.
Examples on those services is Google Analytics that is being used to collect statistics about the usage of the website.
Even third-party stores cookies according to the description above. You can via your web browser see what third party-cookies that is being stored. See the web browser’s documentation and help.

How you erase your cookies

If you don’t wish to save the cookies temporarily or during a longer period of time, you can change the settings of your web browser, so it won’t allow cookies. Though, a setting like that could result in you not being able to use all the features of the website. We cannot be held responsible if the website doesn’t work accordingly after a change like that. See more info on the web browser’s documentation and help.  

Register IP-addresses

Automatic registration of IP-addresses is being made when you visit a website, this is to keep statistics on the attendance rate. On this website cookies helps making the statistics more reliable and to increase the website’s features for our users.

How we treat your data

If you are a registered client at our company, we can inform you about the information we keep on you in case you request it.
If you wish for us to erase data on you - this request itself doesn’t erase information in other databases within Stockholmsbuss, if this wasn’t requested when the information was given.  


Your integrity is important to us.
We also understand how important the data is to you och also the company you may work for. Therefore, we always make sure your data is protected and we take full responsibility that it is treated according to GDPR.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on the 25th of May 2018. GDPR applies to all companies in the EU and even global companies that keep records on personal data within the EU.

Stockholmsbuss has taken the measures that is needed. We have developed a new policy and new guidelines that controls our business.

Safety & Security

As our client your information is safe with us due to several reasons:

  • We find it of great importance to protect your data in the right way.
  • We help you extract the most from your data
  • We make sure you will have access to all the data if needed
  • We always inform you what our purpose is with keeping your data
  • We make sure to handle your personal data in a secure way, and we develop routines to find, report and investigate cases when personal data would leak.


If you have any questions regarding our work and how we work with GDPR, you are welcome to contact us or send us an email to